Team News
Minor PW B -- Final Team Rosters 2017-09-04

Minor PW B Team Rosters

Congratulations to all the following players who will be part of one of the Minor PW Teams (Black or White). Here are the final team rosters:
Team Black
125, 196, 444, 309, 315, 366, 210, 218, 126, 213, 257, 258, 281, 186, 284, 525, 421
Team White
23, 25, 271, 274, 250, 295, 301, 336, 349, 345, 20, 152, 252, 300, 335, 288, 634

**Additional team details will be e-mailed to you. The following announcement is for team white:
Team White – First practice is at Minto on Thursday, 8:00pm.